Excellence in process automation: aiming for people to contribute the best value for other people.
The Centre of Excellence for Process Automation (CEA) at CaixaBank Tech brings together in-house technologies in the areas of digitalisation and automation to offer end-to-end solutions, where task automation is maximised with the help of leading market tools such as, IBM BAW/PROFIT BEFORE TAX, ODM, UIPATH, AUTOHOTKEY, WATSON, etc. We have a highly qualified team of professionals to design these processes and work alongside CaixaBank’s business areas. Its ultimate aim is to attain excellence in user experience for our customers while, at the same time, increase efficiency thanks to dedicated human resources for tasks that provide the greatest value for our customers and employees.
Indeed, the challenges faced by the CEA comprise offering the best customer experience in the sector, maximising digital automation to be more efficient and flexible, boost a fast collaborative culture based around people and, lastly, continue to be a benchmark in responsible management and social engagement.
How are we going about this?
By reengineering current processes to reintroduce them from hyperautomation. The three pillars to move forward and achieve this task are: “end-to-end vision“, “event processing” and so-called “zero back office“.
End-to-end vision
The end-to-end vision process is absolutely necessary so that automation of those parts of the process itself, where it is applicable, is as optimal as possible and complies with the aims of efficiency and value added for all users involved, whether directly or indirectly.
Event processing for tasks
The path followed by cases in each process should be marked by events that occur to them and not by the process structure itself. It should be customers who set the path at the company for action to be taken to resolve their requests, not the other way around.
Zero back office
It is essential to get as close as possible to a “zero back office“ scenario. In other words, an autonomous independent system that does not require human intervention, so that as we said at the start, employees can focus on tasks that provide the most value while the process is running.
What do we use to do this?
Process management systems (BPM and Case Management), automation platforms (RPA and RDA), business rule systems (BRMS), support apps for processes and back-end decisional (AI and ML) are some of the technologies we have used at CaixaBank Tech for some time to achieve these results. Our process engineers are experts and benchmarks in automation and combine these technologies based on the latest market products in each of their disciplines. This enables them to create solutions that resolve these needs.
A few examples of processes where we have used these technologies together, in line with the premises set out above, include awarding ICO loans in the COVID-19 crisis, acknowledgement of powers-of-attorney, MIFID/KYC regulations, monitoring transfers to tax havens and regulatory reporting. To date, over 400 processes have been digitised and over 500 tasks automated.