CaixaBank Tech complies with the following sustainability statements, policies, and principles

At CaixaBank Tech, we believe in the importance of sustainability to contribute to greater economic, social, and environmentally sustainable progress in an increasingly complex environment. In recent years, we have incorporated environmental, social, and governance criteria into the processes developed by our organisation.

Environmental policy

CaixaBank Tech considers Environmental Protection a priority, and therefore commits to the obligations outlined in this policy.


Environmental Performance

This document assesses CaixaBank Tech’s compliance with its legal and regulatory sustainability requirements.


Sustainability Principles

These establish the general principles of action and the main commitments to stakeholders that the CaixaBank Group must follow in terms of sustainability.


Human Rights Principles

They serve as a guide on human rights for the relationships that the CaixaBank Group establishes with its employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, business partners, and the communities where it conducts its business and activities.


Declaration of Nature

This document outlines the main courses of action planned to provide stakeholders with an overview of our approach to nature.


Declaration of Climate Change

It establishes the CaixaBank Group's commitment to the environment, driven by our desire to take a proactive role in its sustainable and socially inclusive development.
